Getting Results For Crash Victims For Over Three Decades
The weeks and months after a crash are critical. Your actions can impact the amount of compensation you may receive, and you want to take precautions to ensure you do not jeopardize your case. At DOUMAR | RAINSFORD, protecting the rights of automobile crash victims in Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida is our top priority.
Below are some things you should beware of as your case evolves.
Stay Silent Until Consulting A Lawyer
Do not talk to anyone about your case except our legal team. If someone contacts you, record their name, telephone number, and a claim number, if applicable, and call us as soon as possible. You may be required to talk to your own insurance company, but do not do so without consulting our legal team first.
Obtain The Police Or Accident Report
If you have a police or incident report, please provide it to us. If you know of any witnesses to the incident, please send our team their correct names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
Keep Track Of Your Lost Wages
Make sure that our office has the names and addresses of your past and present employers. If you are self-employed, please try to obtain records that will prove your wage loss. Please keep an accurate record of all days lost from work because of your injuries. The insurance company will contact your employer to verify your loss of income.
Take Photographs Of Property Damage And Your Injuries
It is critical to have evidence of any property damage prior to repairs being made. Please note, you may handle the property damage claim on your own. When dealing with the property damage adjuster, only discuss the damage to the vehicle with them. Do not discuss your injuries or how the incident happened.
In addition, it is important to take photographs of any injuries you suffered in the crash. Do not sign anything without discussing it with our office first.
Attend Doctor Appointments And Follow Their Instructions
You should return to each of your doctors as often as necessary and be sure to tell them in detail all of your complaints. Advise us of all doctors’ appointments and promptly notify us when you have completed your treatment. Make sure that you follow the doctors’ orders. Insurance companies often hire investigators to take photographs of you playing sports, lifting heavy objects, or doing other activities to attempt to show that you are not injured. The information your doctors put in your medical records is very important, so be sure you tell your doctor your complaints in a clear and concise manner.
Gather All Medical Bills
Keep copies of all ambulance, doctor, medical, hospital, and drug bills and send them to us. You should also keep track of other expenses you may have that are the result of this incident, such as hiring extra help to do the things that you did yourself before the incident. All your bills should be paid by check, or you should obtain and keep receipts.
Notify Your Attorney Of A Traffic Court Hearing
If you are arrested or receive a citation in connection with this incident, be sure to provide the date, place, and time of any traffic court hearing so that a member of our office may attend if necessary. It is not always necessary for us to attend traffic court hearings. If you receive a notice for the at-fault party’s court hearing, please provide the office with a copy.
Submit Hospital And Doctor Bills To Your Insurance Company
We want to do everything possible to have your medical bills paid by your insurance companies. Your auto insurance carrier and/or health insurance carrier may pay your hospital and doctor bills. We need copies of all automobile policies covering any vehicles in your household, insurance policies on which you are a named insured, and health insurance cards (including Medicare/Medicaid) covering you.
Your auto insurance carrier and health insurance carrier may be entitled to reimbursement for what they have paid on your behalf if you recover any money from the at-fault driver. However, it is best to submit the bills for payment as they are incurred to keep your accounts from going into collection. Also, if the doctors are getting paid, they may be more willing to continue treating you. If you have health or hospitalization insurance, you should show your card to your doctors when you go for your appointments.
Request A Complimentary Consultation Today
There is no time to waste. The longer you wait to contact an attorney, the longer it can take to process your claim. Call 706-722-1700 or tell us about your case online. We are located in downtown Augusta near the state and federal courthouse.